Results for 'Linda van der Zijden'

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  1.  44
    Morality in the mundane: Specific needs for ethics support in elderly care.Linda Dauwerse, Sandra van der Dam & Tineke Abma - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):91-103.
    Ethics support is called for to improve the quality of care in elderly institutions. Various forms of ethics support are presented, but the needs for ethics support remain unknown. Using a mixed-methods design, this article systematically investigates the specific needs for ethics support in elderly care. The findings of two surveys, two focus groups and 17 interviews demonstrate that the availability of ethics support is limited. There is a need for ethics support, albeit not unconditionally. Advice-based forms of ethics support (...)
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    Effects of Speech Rate and Practice on the Allocation of Visual Attention in Multiple Object Naming.Antje S. Meyer, Linda Wheeldon, Femke van der Meulen & Agnieszka Konopka - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Not as Stable as We Think: A Descriptive Study of 12 Monthly Assessments of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Curatively-Treated Breast Cancer Survivors 0–5 Years After Surgery. [REVIEW]José A. E. Custers, Linda Kwakkenbos, Winette T. A. van der Graaf, Judith B. Prins, Marieke F. M. Gielissen & Belinda Thewes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580979.
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    Mind the Gap: The Implications of Not Acting in Line With Your Planned Actions After Installing Solar Photovoltaics.Annemijn Maron Peters, Ellen van der Werff & Linda Steg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    To realize the full potential of solar photovoltaics (PV), PV adopters need to adapt their energy demand to the production of self-generated solar energy as much as possible (i.e., use their PV sustainably). In a longitudinal questionnaire study (N = 74) in the Netherlands, we compared the intention to use PV in a sustainable way before the installation of PV with actual PV use. Wave 1 took place before respondents adopted PV, while Wave 2 took place after they installed PV. (...)
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    Enhanced qualitative probabilistic networks for resolving trade-offs.Silja Renooij & Linda C. van der Gaag - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (12-13):1470-1494.
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    Binding theory and grammatical specific language impairment in children.Heather K. J. van der Lely & Linda Stollwerck - 1997 - Cognition 62 (3):245-290.
  7.  17
    Spillover Benefits: Emphasizing Different Benefits of Environmental Behavior and Its Effects on Spillover.Ellen Van Der Werff & Linda Steg - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Understanding the human dimensions of a sustainable energy transition.Linda Steg, Goda Perlaviciute & Ellen van der Werff - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:144983.
    Global climate change threatens the health, economic prospects, and basic food and water sources of people. A wide range of changes in household energy behaviour is needed to realise a sustainable energy transition. We propose a general framework to understand and encourage sustainable energy behaviours, comprising four key issues. First, we need to identify which behaviours need to be changed. A sustainable energy transition involves changes in a wide range of energy behaviours, including the adoption of sustainable energy sources and (...)
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  9.  26
    Validity and Reliability Testing of the International Critical Thinking Essay Test form A (ICTET-A).Helena Hollis, Marina Rachitskiy, Leslie van der Leer & Linda Elder - 2024 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 33 (1):94-116.
    This study assessed the International Critical Thinking Essay Test (ICTET-A) for inter-rater reliability, internal reliability, and criterion validity. A self-selecting sample of participants (N = 100) completed the ICTET-A and a comparison test online. We found the ICTET-A items to have moderate to good levels of inter-rater reliability, and overall excellent inter-rater consistency for total test scores. The test had good internal reliability. There was a strong correlation between scores on the ICTET-A and the comparison test. Factor analysis showed that (...)
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    Media coverage of right-wing populist leaders.Claes de Vreese, Wouter van der Brug & Linda Bos - 2010 - Communications 35 (2):141-163.
    This article focuses on how leaders of new right-wing populist parties are portrayed in the mass media. More so than their established counterparts, new parties depend on the media for their electoral breakthrough. From a theoretical perspective, we expect prominence, populism, and authoritativeness of the party leaders' media appearance to be essential for their electoral fortunes. We used systematic content analyses of 17 Dutch media outlets during the eight weeks prior to the 2006 national elections and compared the appearances of (...)
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  11.  13
    Context-specific sign-propagation in qualitative probabilistic networks.Silja Renooij, Linda C. van der Gaag & Simon Parsons - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 140 (1-2):207-230.
  12.  60
    I Am vs. We Are: How Biospheric Values and Environmental Identity of Individuals and Groups Can Influence Pro-environmental Behaviour.Xiao Wang, Ellen Van der Werff, Thijs Bouman, Marie K. Harder & Linda Steg - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Most research in environmental psychology is conducted in individualistic countries and focuses on factors pertaining to individuals. It is yet unclear whether these findings also apply to more collectivistic countries, in which group factors might play a prominent role. In the current paper, we test the individual-focused value–identity–behaviour pathway, in which personal biospheric values relate to pro-environmental actions via environmental self-identity, in an individualistic and a collectivistic country. Furthermore, we test in both countries whether a new group-focused pathway also exists, (...)
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  13.  56
    Robust normative systems and a logic of norm compliance.Thomas Agotnes, Wiebe van der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):4-30.
    Although normative systems, or social laws, have proved to be a highly influential approach to coordination in multi-agent systems, the issue of compliance to such normative systems remains problematic. In all real systems, it is possible that some members of an agent population will not comply with the rules of a normative system, even if it is in their interests to do so. It is therefore important to consider the extent to which a normative system is robust, i.e., the extent (...)
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  14.  17
    Self-Control in Aiming Supports Coping With Psychological Pressure in Soccer Penalty Kicks.José A. Navia, John van der Kamp, Carlos Avilés & Jesús Aceituno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Nature of Quantum Paradoxes: Italian Studies in the Foundations and Philosophy of Modern Physics.G. Tarozzi & Alwyn van der Merwe - 1988 - Springer.
  16.  20
    An Emotional Road to Sustainability: How Affective Science Can Support pro-Climate Action.Claudia R. Schneider & Sander van der Linden - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):284-288.
    Although emotions play a crucial role in understanding and encouraging sustainable behavior and decision-making, many open questions currently remain unanswered. In this review, we advance three broad areas of particular theoretical and applied importance that affective science and emotion researchers could benefit from engaging with: (1) “ sustainable emotions” or empirically testing the possibility of positive reinforcing feedback loops between anticipatory and experienced emotions following the adoption of sustainable behaviors, (2) “ non- Western emotions” or exploring the extent to which (...)
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  17.  44
    Philosophy of biology, faithful or useful?Peter B. Sloep & Wim J. van der Steen - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (1):93-98.
  18. In memoriam Herman Ysbrand Groenewegen.H. W. Van der Vaart Smit - 1930 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 35:559.
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  19.  13
    India and beyond: aspects of literature, meaning, ritual and thought: essays in honour of Frits Staal.Frits Staal & Dick van der Meij (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Thirty-four contributors address a variety of topics, from ancestral worship to transsexual masquerades, from metrical verse in the psalms to temples, poetic expression and linguistic performances. They bespeak the unique characteristics of Staal and his ability to break down barriers between academic disciplines. With contributors from around the world, this is a tribute to the forty years of scholarly work Frits Staal has invested in the foundation of a genuinely human science.
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  20.  26
    Designing normative theories for ethical and legal reasoning: LogiKEy framework, methodology, and tool support.Christoph Benzmüller, Xavier Parent & Leendert van der Torre - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103348.
  21.  40
    Beyond market, firm, and state: Mapping the ethics of global value chains.Abraham A. Singer & Hamish van der Ven - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):325-343.
    The growth of global value chains (GVCs) and the emergence of novel forms of value chain governance pose two questions for normative business ethics. First, how should we conceptualize the relationships between members of a GVC? Second, what ethical implications follow from these relationships, both with respect to interactions between GVC members and with respect to achieving broader transnational governance goals? We address these questions by examining the emergence of transnational eco-labeling as an increasingly prominent form of GVC governance that (...)
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  22.  13
    Inequality, Development, and Growth.Günseli Berik, Yana van der Meulen Rodgers & Stephanie Seguino (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    This volume presents a comprehensive analysis of the linkages between inequality, development, and growth from a feminist economics perspective. More specifically, it examines connections between intergroup inequality and macroeconomic outcomes, considering various channels through which gender, growth, and development interact. Using a range of analytical methods, country studies, and levels of aggregation, the contributors argue that inequalities based on gender, race, ethnicity, and class undermine the ability of people to provision and live fully to their capabilities. Authors examine the effect (...)
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  23.  13
    Facts, Values, and Methodology: A New Approach to Ethics.Wim J. Van der Steen (ed.) - 1995 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Science is not value-free and ethics is not fact-free. Science and ethics should be similar, but they are not. The author indicates how research in ethics is to change in the face of this. Ethicists should accommodate empirical work in their programs and they should take heed of methodologies developed in science and philosophy of science. They should abandon the search for a single overarching theory of morality. Controversies in ethics are often spurious for lack of articulate methodological key concepts. (...)
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  24.  32
    Some Exponential Lower Bounds on Formula-size in Modal Logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Wiebe van der Hoek & Petar Iliev - 2014 - In Rajeev Goré, Barteld Kooi & Agi Kurucz (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 10: Papers From the Tenth Aiml Conference, Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2014. London, England: CSLI Publications. pp. 139-157.
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  25.  18
    Second-order propositional modal logic: Expressiveness and completeness results.Francesco Belardinelli, Wiebe van der Hoek & Louwe B. Kuijer - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 263 (C):3-45.
  26.  75
    Level of agency in sub-clinical checking.S. Belayachi & M. Van der Linden - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):293-299.
    This study examined cognitive representations of routine action, through the assessment of level of agency, in individuals with sub-clinical checking. The level of agency stems from Action Identification Theory [Vallacher, R. R., Wegner, D. M. . Levels of personal agency: Individual variation in action identification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57, 660–671], which states that how actions are usually identified reflects the predominant accessibility of internal representation . Furthermore, this framework proposed that altered action regulation is related to low-level (...)
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  27.  34
    On obligations and normative ability: Towards a logical analysis of the social contract.Michael Wooldridge & Wiebe van der Hoek - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (3-4):396-420.
  28.  19
    Social inclusion revisited: sheltered living institutions for people with intellectual disabilities as communities of difference.Femmianne Bredewold & Simon van der Weele - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (2):201-213.
    The dominant idea in debates on social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities is that social inclusion requires recognition of their ‘sameness’. As a result, most care providers try to enable people with intellectual disabilities to live and participate in ‘normal’ society, ‘in the community’. In this paper, we draw on (Pols, Medicine Health Care and Philosophy 18:81–90, 2015) empirical ethics of care approach to give an in-depth picture of places that have a radically different take on what social inclusion (...)
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  29.  47
    Strategies in sentential reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van Der Henst, Yingrui Yang & Johnson-Laird N. Philip - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that are not deterministic. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagram corresponding to mental models, and (...)
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  30.  32
    Tailoring quality improvement interventions to identified barriers: a multiple case analysis.Marije Bosch, Trudy van der Weijden, Michel Wensing & Richard Grol - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (2):161-168.
  31.  26
    Vulnerable Workers’ Employability Competences: The Role of Establishing Clear Expectations, Developmental Inducements, and Social Organizational Goals.Mieke Audenaert, Beatrice Van der Heijden, Neil Conway, Saskia Crucke & Adelien Decramer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):627-641.
    Using an ethical approach to the study of employability, we question the mainstream approach to career self-direction. We focus on a specific category of employees that has been neglected in past research, namely vulnerable workers who have been unemployed for several years and who have faced multiple psychosocial problems. Building on the Ability-Motivation-Opportunity model, we examine how establishing clear expectations, developmental inducements, and social organizational goals can foster employability competences of vulnerable workers. Our study took place in the particularly relevant (...)
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  32.  35
    III. Zur aufteilung der ökologie in autökologie und synökologie, im lichte der ideen AlS grundlage der systematik der zoologischen disziplinen.C. J. van der Klaauw - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 2 (3):195-241.
    As we owe the division of ecology into autecology and synecology to botanists, the arguments for this subdivision and also the definitions and contents of both subsciences as given bySchröter, Flahault &Schröter, Gams andDu Rietz are communicated in full. The same is the case with the division of ecology given by the zoologistsAdams andChapman. Moreover the opinions of these authors in this respect are critisized in detail as well as in their general aspects. This critique is connected with the author's (...)
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  33. The road from vienna to lvov twardowski’s theory of judgement between 1894 and 1897.Arianna Betti & Maria van der Schaar - 2004 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 67 (1):1-20.
    In several manuscripts, written between 1894 and 1897, Twardowski developed a new theory of judgement with two types of judgement: existential and relational judgements. In Zur Lehre he tried to stay within a Brentanian framework, although he introduced the distinction between content and object in the theory of judgement. The introduction of this distinction forced Twardowski to revise further Brentano'stheory.His changes concerned judgements about relations and about non-present objects. The latter are considered special cases of relational judgements. The existential judgements (...)
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  34.  17
    Sociologizing with Randall Collins: An interview about emotions, violence, attention space and sociology.Don Weenink, Laura Keesman & Alex van der Zeeuw - 2018 - European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2):245-259.
    In the interview in this article, Randall Collins discusses various aspects of his oeuvre. First, he considers why interaction rituals (IRs) in religion are special emotional transformers. This is followed by a discussion of IRs in the digital age and the symbolic and economic power that is required to orchestrate IRs in politics and revolutions. Then comes a discussion of social scientific research into violence, in the past and more recently. The interview continues with a reflection on the notion of (...)
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  35.  56
    Mere exposure effect: A consequence of direct and indirect fluency–preference links.Sylvie Willems & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):323-341.
    In three experiments, picture quality between test items was manipulated to examine whether subjects’ expectations about the fluency normally associated with these different stimuli might influence the effects of fluency on preference or familiarity-based recognition responses. The results showed that fluency due to pre-exposure influenced responses less when objects were presented with high picture quality, suggesting that attributions of fluency to preference and familiarity are adjusted according to expectations about the different test pictures. However, this expectations influence depended on subjects’ (...)
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  36.  86
    β‐Cell evolution: How the pancreas borrowed from the brain.Margot E. Arntfield & Derek van der Kooy - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):582-587.
    Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssaysA new paradigm in cell therapy for diabetes: Turning pancreatic α‐cells into β‐cells Abstract.
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  37. Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative System, Volume 2.Dov Gabbay, , John Horty, Xavier Parent, Ron van der Meyden & Leon van der Torre (eds.) - forthcoming - College Publications.
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  38.  12
    A Distributed Interactive Decision-Making Framework for Sustainable Career Development.Helen Hallpike, Gaëlle Vallée-Tourangeau & Beatrice Van der Heijden - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this article is to present a new distributed interactive career decision-making framework in which person and context together determine the development of a sustainable career. We build upon recent theories from two disciplines: decision theory and career theory. Our new conceptual framework incorporates distributed stakeholders into the career decision-making process and suggests that individuals make decisions through a system of distributed agency, in which they interact with their context to make each career decision, at varying levels of (...)
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  39.  23
    Computational design of precipitation strengthened austenitic heat-resistant steels.Qi Lu, Wei Xu & Sybrand van der Zwaag - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (25):3391-3412.
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  40. Jakob Anton von Zallinger zum Thurn und seine Kantschrift von 1799.Amandus van der Wey - 1936 - Paderborn,: F. Schöningh.
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  41.  31
    Strategies in sentential reasoning.Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Yingrui Yang & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (4):425-468.
    Four experiments examined the strategies that individuals develop in sentential reasoning. They led to the discovery of five different strategies. According to the theory proposed in the paper, each of the strategies depends on component tactics, which all normal adults possess, and which are based on mental models. Reasoners vary their use of tactics in ways that have no deterministic account. This variation leads different individuals to assemble different strategies, which include the construction of incremental diagrams corresponding to mental models, (...)
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  42. Studia Biblica et Semitica.W. C. van Unnik & A. S. van der Woude - 1966
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  43.  17
    The Electronic Patient Record as a Meaningful Audit Tool:Accountability and Autonomy in General Practitioner Work.Marc Berg, Irma van der Ploeg & Brit Ross Winthereik - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (1):6-25.
    Health authorities increasingly request that general practitioners use information and communication technologies such as electronic patient records for accountability purposes. This article deals with the use of EPRs among general practitioners in Britain. It examines two ways in which GPs use the EPR for accountability purposes. One way is to generate audit reports on the basis of the information that has been entered into the record. The other is to let the computer intervene in the clinical process through prompts. The (...)
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  44.  9
    fl-IRT-ing with Psychometrics to Improve NLP Bias Measurement.Dominik Bachmann, Oskar van der Wal, Edita Chvojka, Willem H. Zuidema, Leendert van Maanen & Katrin Schulz - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-34.
    To prevent ordinary people from being harmed by natural language processing (NLP) technology, finding ways to measure the extent to which a language model is biased (e.g., regarding gender) has become an active area of research. One popular class of NLP bias measures are bias benchmark datasets—collections of test items that are meant to assess a language model’s preference for stereotypical versus non-stereotypical language. In this paper, we argue that such bias benchmarks should be assessed with models from the psychometric (...)
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    Ancestor worship - is it Biblical?Choon Sup Bae & P. J. Van der Merwe - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (3):1299-1325.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, M. J. J. Menken, Martin Parmentier, A. H. C. van Eijk, P. W. van der Horst, Jean-Jacques Suurmond, A. H. M. van Iersel, Bernard Höfte, W. G. Tillmans, L. van Tongeren, Liuwe H. Westra, J. Verhoeven, Luc Anckaert & Arie L. Molendijk - 1998 - Bijdragen 59 (1):94-115.
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    Both Random and Guided.R. Woudenberg & J. Rothuizen‐van der Steen - 2014 - Ratio 28 (3):332-348.
    This paper argues, first, that biological evolution can be both random and divinely guided at the same time. Next it discusses the idea that the claim that evolution is unguided is not part of the science of evolution, and defends it against a number of objections.
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    The u-can-act Platform: A Tool to Study Intra-individual Processes of Early School Leaving and Its Prevention Using Multiple Informants.Frank J. Blaauw, Mandy A. E. van der Gaag, Nick R. Snell, Ando C. Emerencia, E. Saskia Kunnen & Peter de Jonge - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  49.  18
    Understanding the Normativity of Health Technology Assessment: Ontological, Moral, and Epistemological Commitments.Bart Bloemen, Wija Oortwijn & Gert Jan van der Wilt - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-17.
    The inherent normativity of HTA can be conceptualized as a result of normative commitments, a concept that we further specify to encompass moral, epistemological and ontological commitments at play in the practice of HTA. Based on examples from literature, and an analysis of the example of assessing Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), we will show that inevitable normative decisions in conducting an assessment commits the HTA practitioner to moral (regarding what makes a health technology desirable), ontological (regarding which effects of health (...)
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    Het Spinozisme van Dr. J. D. Bierens de Haan.J. G. Van der Bend - 1970 - Groningen,: Wolters-Noordhoff.
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